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Bible formation INFO

Are you wanting to grow in your understanding of God’s Word?  
Do you desire to understand the context of scripture in a greater way? This course is for you!

Bible Formations Course

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Anyone wanting to teach others, whether in Kids ministry, a Life Group or any other context, needs a solid foundation in the Word of God. This courses aim is to help you get a more well-rounded understanding of the whole narrative of the scriptures and how the 66 books of the Bible all point towards our wonderful Saviour, Jesus Christ!


We are currently seeking expressions of interest, for our 2023 New Testament Course. If you are interested, please take a moment to fill in the form below, email, or txt our Pastoral Care Phone on 0492 914 617 with your name, the weekly time that would suit you best and any particular interests you have.


At this stage we are planning to run Thursday nights at 7-9pm, but we may run a second timeslot (as we did last year) if there is enough interest... 

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